Detmold Conference
Week 2021 \\ DIGITAL
The sustainable development has been in the focus of multiple European and global agendas, academic research and teaching curriculum, but also urban practices for some time already. Nevertheless, the new global concerns related to health & safety but also new challenges that have direct impact on our lived environment, such as loss of biodiversity, resource scarcity, demographic changes, economical instability, as well as the increase in extreme climate events, are alarming for a collective commitment to upgrade approaches for future habitats. We must rethink the values, policies and strategies and envision new concepts that enable our lived environment to be in coherence with the nature and our society to be inclusive, just, and productive. As designers, architects and planners, as well as researchers and educators we ought to be the drivers for co-creating a sustainable habitat for the future.
DCW 2021, our second digital conference at Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Design, TH OWL, is envisioned as a platform for bringing together insights on these topics, re-evaluating the existing tools, methods, and design strategies for sustainable development but also investigating the trends and novel solutions. The complexity of our lived environment requires bringing together the fragmented levels of knowledge within the design and planning disciplines, but also beyond.
Through the lens of our newly established Institute for Design Strategies (IDS), and the thematic clusters Regenerative Design, Human Centered Design, and Data Driven Design, our intention is to find synergy among the various scales of our lived environment and various aspects and values of sustainability discussing sustainable design strategies for future development dynamics.
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