Detmold Conference
Week 2022 \\ HYBRID
The sustainable development of the built environment has been at the center of numerous European and global agendas, academic research and curricula, but also urban practice for some time. Nevertheless, new global problems related to health and security, but also new challenges that directly affect our living environment, such as biodiversity loss, resource scarcity, demographic change, economic instability, as well as the increase of extreme climate events, are alarming for a collective commitment to improve concepts for future habitats.
We need to rethink values, policies and strategies and design new concepts that will enable us to shape our living environment in harmony with nature and make our society inclusive, equitable and productive. As designers, architects, and planners, as well as researchers and educators, we should be the driving force in the collective development of a sustainable built environment. Since 2020, Detmold Conference Week has been our platform to bring together insights on these topics, re-evaluate existing tools, methods and design strategies for sustainable development, as well as explore trends and new solutions. The complexity of our lived environment requires bringing together the fragmented levels of knowledge within the design and planning disciplines, but also beyond.
Through the lens of the newly established IDS Institute for Design Strategies and the thematic clusters of Regenerative Design, Human Centered Design and Data Driven Design, we aim to find synergies between the different scales of our living environment and different aspects and values of sustainability to discuss sustainable design strategies for future development dynamics.